This week was my first week in a new position at work. When I first heard about the opening I was completely uninterested. It didn't seem like something I had the strength or experience for nor was it something that I thought was right for me and my career path. How wrong I was!
The more I thought about it and discussed with family, friends and colleagues the more it seemed like a great for me to gain experience very quickly. I would be able to work with a new team and expand my knowledge base before pursuing my training courses to get my full qualifications. I put my name forward and was very thankful when I was offered the job.
It was time to get organised, I threw myself into this new venture like I do anything: too the max! And I loved it straight away. Even just preparing for the total change was exciting and for me, a person who hates change, it was settling to know that this wasn't upsetting me. Normally. with change, I try to fight it all the way, making things change as slowly as possible. Obviously, change never goes slow. It's like jumping off a diving board and hoping you can slow down your descent to the water below. It just doesn't happen... and usually when you try you end up belly flopping and in heaps of pain! So, I reconciled myself to the learning curve ball that I was about to be pitched and tried to swing at it as best I could. (Wow, I just turned into my dad, I'm making sports analogies!)
I had two weeks of Easter break to really get myself ready and of course, the night before I was due to start was horrid. I didn't sleep well, I was really anxious and my best friend, the voice in my head, was all over the shop.... justifiably so, I suppose.
Is this the right choice?
Are you sure you can do this?
Are you sure that you are capable?
What if it's a disaster?
Obviously, I was nervous, what I was taking on was completely unknown. There was a real chance that it could have totally blown up in my face. I am very pleased to say, however, that this week has been the most enjoyable week of my job so far! It was been excellent and I haven't been able to wipe the smile off my face. I am so glad that I made a choice and was brave. Yeah, I said it! I am brave! Stepping out into the unknown, even when you know it could be really good for you is totally petrifying - at least, it is for me. But in 4 days, I have already grown and learnt and enjoyed myself so much that I am 100% convinced that this was the right choice, All the talking and praying and trusting in my own ability (even if it was a very small, quiet, shy trust) paid off 10 fold and I am now pushing myself at something that I love more and more each day.
What I am doing now could have serious benefits to the people I am working with. I have always wanted to be a teacher that made learning fun and accessible and engaging for children who struggle. I have been lucky enough to have been given that opportunity and for that I feel ever so grateful and ever so blessed! Every day I will strive to be the best teacher that I can be to help the kids I work with make the most of themselves.
I suppose my message from this blog is to make that leap of faith. If there is something that you really want, something that you know that you are good at and want to progress. Something you KNOW is right for but it's still a little way off......JUMP ANYWAY! Make it happen, go out and get what you want. No-one else will get it for you and it could just well be the BEST thing that you could do.
Take a leap of faith this week and see where you land!
Check in soon.
M xx
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