Holiday Vibes

Holiday Vibes

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Officially A Car-Boot Convert

So, on Sunday I embarked on my first ever Car Boot Sale and it is safe to say that it was a total triumph!!

It was a very early start - 6:30am on a Sunday is an hour that I never see... if was almost physically painful to pull myself out of my beautifully warm bed - but I arrived, ready with flask of hot chocolate in hand, at my colleague and friend, Sarah's house at 7:30am for a shopping bonanza.

We wandered over to a lovely array of fields. You've got to love a good field on a Sunday, haven't you?
Just me?
...... Okay, moving on!

After a mild panic that the circus had moved in and the car boot had moved out, Sarah and I embarked upon the mission that was 'Do NOT let Sarah buy any more dresses!!' A great feat for anyone who knows Sarah and her love of all things lacy, floral and knee length! Straight away, I was overwhelmed buy the sheer amount of stuff  that was there. Literal mountains of clothes, stacks of books and DVDs (which I treid to avoid as I known near on 300 DVD's already). Baby toys....everywhere! Electrical stuff, shoes, bread and cakes (the cakes were GOOD). It was a little hard to know where to begin.

Sarah had it covered though, apparently there is an art to reading each stall. You have to do the well known Miranda Hart 'sweep browse' to work out what sort of stuff they were selling and to get a feel for what age range of stuff will be there. There were a lot of stall that were aimed for the older generation but it was really interesting to see what sort of stuff people bring to sell at car boot sales.

We started to browse with intent of buying as we got into the swing of things - I wanted some new dresses for school (and was trying to avoid the DVDs which failed in the end) and Sarah wanted a lawn mower, any antique knives and forks and anything to do with hens. Clothing rails are a really interesting phenomenon when at the car boot - in the space of just one rail you can come across anything from men's swimming trunks to children party dresses, to a full set of tartan M&S pyjamas to prom dresses. It was quite a laugh having a rummage through all the random stuff and finding the actualy nice stuff that you would actually want to wear.

As I got into my groove, my self restraint went out of the window - when you're searching every clothes rail to see if anything grabs your fancy it is quite easy to forget your budget. However, I feel like I did rather well until I reached the last stall of the our roam around the field. I came across the Kingdom of DVDs (as named by me) It was just a table with rows and rows of movies and tv shows. It was like kryptonite to me - and then the stall owner told me that ALL DVDs were only 50p and that was it. I was gone! DVD hoarding at is finest - that is what happened.

So, at the end of our Car Boot Bonanza I had spent the small sum of £22.50. And for this price I managed to buy 5 dresses, a top and 8 DVDs. I was very happy with this total as I would normally spend £22 on only one dress.... so I managed to gain 13 items on top of one dress for only an extra 50p..... you can't argue with that now, can you?

Now, Sarah also had a very successful car boot and managed to buy not only a metal hen shaped hanging basket but also a lawn mower and the bonus of a rake! Walking home, I did feel a little like Baby from Dirty Dancing as I had a strange 'I carried a lawn mower' moment as I trudged it back over 3 fields. My suspicions in Sarah's befriending of me were confirmed - she uses me for my height and for my car (Sarah, if you are reading this, I love you and I'm joking haha).

Naturally, when we got home Sarah mowed her lawn, as once you've bought a lawn mower you can't not use it immediately and I tried on all my new clothes because, as Sarah stated, I'm such a girl! I am 100% converted to a car boot sale and Sarah will now have to put up with my company for many more early Sunday mornings! WAHOO!

Check in soon
M xx

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