Holiday Vibes

Holiday Vibes

Friday, 15 May 2015

Like An Elephant At A Water Park (Possible Second Title - The Beached Whale Effect) - A Triathlon Diary

Why did I sign up in the first place? I really do not remember what on earth gave me the ludicrous idea of entering into a triathlon.

I mean, who in their right mind would volunteer to swim 400m, then cycle 23km and then, just to top it off, run a 5km?? SERIOUSLY?? Oh yeah, I did! That was me!

Now that the week is over and there is nothing else to focus on, I have realised just how nervous I am about Sunday morning.

Yes, I have been training but with a crazy weekend, I didn't make it out for last weekends brick session and then this week, I've been exhausted and in bed before 9pm most nights. I have had no energy to get out and train so I am a little worried that I have lost the fitness capacity to make it round the course.

I have 3 goals in mind and if I achieve any of them, I will be very pleased....God, I do not want to do this. Just writing this, I am feeling sick.

Goal 1) To finish!!!!
Goal 2) To not walk during the 'run' phase of the event.
Goal 3) To complete the whole thing is under 2 hours.

If I can do any or all of these then I will definitely be crying crossing the finish line. This will be the first really big milestone that I have achieved since recovering from my knee surgery and will hopefully mark the progress that I have made as well as proving to me, most of all, that I am capable of great things and that my body can be a powerful machine when I treat it right. Hopefully, this weekend will serve a catalyst for more positive change in my body image and lifestyle.... and help me to get fitter and slimmer in the long run.

As Mum keeps saying, this is only a training event for my triathlon in July but I am still feeling immense pressure to do well at this point. I think, because Mum is a seasoned triathlete, I feel like I should know what I'm doing and should do as well as she will. That will, of course, be impossible as she is super fit and much faster than me when it comes to running.

I am slightly (please read 'incredibly') uncomfortable about wearing my tri suit. I basically look like a whale in it and will spend a great deal of time feeling self conscious in it. No doubt, I will be surrounded my proper athletes and their size 6 bodies whilst I gulumph around like an elephant at a water park.....

I shall have a full report in less than 48 hours of how it all went... and how badly I will probably have done. Keep your fingers and toes crossed, people...... ARRGHHH!! Someone hide me away until Monday.

M xx

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