Measurements - 16/05/15
Waist - 94cm (-8cm since February 2015)
Widest part of stomach - 112cm (-3cm since April 2015)
Not a bad week. Losing a centimeter over my body whilst not doing much is fine by me. I have been so tired this week that exercise has been the thing that 'just didn't get done' this week so I'm happy that I've still shrunk.
Wouldn't it be great if there was a tumble drier for the larger person and you could literally shrink yourself - just like you tend to shrink your favourite jumper. That would be brilliant!
Anyway, I'm hoping to get more training in this week after my triathlon tomorrow as I need to start working on my long distance run. I've got a 10km run in July.
Measurements - 09/05/15
Waist - 94.5cm
Widest part of stomach - 112.5cm
You know, even after making 7.5cm progress and knowing that my clothes fit better is all well and good when I'm trying on clothes that used to fit anyway and now just look even better than they did because they aren't quite so tight or 'form hugging' anymore. It still, however, is HUGELY depressing when you are trying on the 2/3 of your wardrobe that you are trying to slim into and none of it fits.... STILL! I have a really lovely collection of dressed and skirts and beautiful floaty tops that I still cannot wear because I'm still too much of a whale to get into them.
This is how much my weight affects me - I can go from being really proud of myself at 9am and by 1pm I'm frustrated and upset because I can't get into the dress that I would have really like to have worn to a social dance tonight. Yes, I found an alternative outfit that doesn't look too bad but it's still not the one I wanted to wear and I won't be able to wear it for a while because there is a gap about 6 inches (if not more) wide between each side of the zipper. I find this part of weight loss incredibly disheartening - even with the achievments that I have made so far, I am getting very little reward for them. It makes it even harder to keep going because I feel like my efforts aren't working anyway so why continue. Obviously, I am aware that this is the worst head space to be in as I really won't achieve anything if I don't keep going but it is truly aggravating to know that even if you lose another inch around your middle, you still won't be slipping into your favourite 'going out' dress because you need to lose another 4 or 5 after that......
Back to reassessing everything that goes into my mouth and cutting out EVERY SINGLE little treat I have for a while I think. This is doing my nut in.
Rant over.... for now.......
09:58am - On a health and fitness kick.... I have been trying to lose weight for years to very little avail. I had a knee injury and operation that put me out of action for basically 2 years and that meant that my rugby playing fitness and 180lb body went out of the window. I gained nearly 60lbs due to boredom, depression and being stationary for 18 months. I went from training 10 hours minimum a week to doing pretty much nothing because I was in so much pain.
Getting back into a fitness regime and weight loss diet has been a struggle but since September 2014 I've been really trying to shift some pounds. It was going really well until Christmas. I lost 10lbs and felt like I was making some really progress. Then, the scale just froze at 225lbs - I was still exercising and eating well but it just stopped. Major plateau - and it hasn't moved since. Not in 4 months! So, for last few weeks after getting totally frustrated with myself and what I was doing I have started to measure myself. The scale isn't moving but I KNOW that my body is changing because I can fit into clothes that I haven't worn since before the injury.
So tape measure out and away we go.
Here are my results from when I started to measure myself and the progess that has been made (most recent measurements at top of list).
Measurements - 09/05/15
Waist - 94.5cm (-7.5cm since February 2015)
Widest part of stomach - 112.5cm (-2.5cm since April 2015)
Measurements - 02/05/15
Waist - 95cm
Widest part of stomach - 113.5cm
Measurements - 25/04/15
Waist - 95cm
Widest part of stomach - 113.9cm
Measurements - 18/04/15
Waist - 96.5cm
Widest part of stomach - 115cm
Measurements - 24/02/15
Waist - 102cm
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